

In order to achieve lifelong financial security, you need to plan for the future. How else will you know if you will have enough retirement savings or be able to afford that holiday? In other words, how do you achieve the level of wealth needed to maintain your lifestyle both now and in retirement? Here are some resources that you may find useful.

Retirement Income Simulator

What's your retirement worth?

New Zealanders are living longer, which is great as long as the money lasts. Unfortunately, there's a possibility it won't.

See how a little more in your account today could make a big difference to your tomorrow.

Start making tomorrow, today.

Use this Retirement Income Simulator if you are a New Zealand Defence KiwiSaver Scheme member and if you are Defence Force Superannuation Scheme member use this Retirement Income Simulator.

Fund Selector Tool

Not sure where to invest?

Use our Fund Selector Tool to help you better understand how your approach to risk translates to the investment options available to you.

Use the tool here.

Financial Advice

The importance of financial advice should not be underestimated. Before making any changes to your investment option(s) or deciding to withdraw your money, you should discuss this with your financial adviser or the independently-appointed Become Wealth (previously named Milestone Direct) team of advisers by calling 05‌08 BECOME (0508 232 663) or emailing

Sorted is a free service powered by Te Ara Ahunga Ora (Retirement Commission) the government-funded, independent agency dedicated to helping New Zealanders get ahead financially.


Financial Markets Authority (FMA)

The FMA’s website, contains information about investment scams, how to protect yourself from scammers, how to report a scam, examples of real life scam stories and a list of current scam warnings.

Visit FMA

Financial Services Council NZ

The Financial Services Council NZ (FSC) has created a guide for customers and those wanting to take a DIY approach to retirement planning. Successful retirement planning means being able to enjoy a reasonable lifestyle in retirement without outliving your savings. In this guide, you’ll find information to help you make key retirement planning considerations and includes information about “rules of thumb” developed by the New Zealand Society of Actuaries to help you determine what level of sustainable after-tax spending your retirement savings might support.

View the FSC Retirement Planning Guide