
Please note that Mercer no longer accepts cheques from 1 January 2021.



Contributions to your KiwiSaver account are made by you, your employer and the Government. This helps you achieve your retirement savings goals faster!

It’s easy to put money into your New Zealand Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme account.

If you are a member of the New Zealand Defence Force or have a different employer, your contributions are deducted directly from your pay, so you aren't tempted to spend money you could be saving.

KiwiSaver regular contributions

You can choose to contribute at a minimum rate of 3%, or opt to contribute at a higher rate of either 4%, 6%8% or 10% of your before tax salary or wages.

KiwiSaver voluntary contributions

You can make ongoing or one off lump sum contributions directly into your account from your online banking by searching for NZ Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme as a payee and follow your banks instructions to complete the process. There are no minimum contributions when you make contributions this way.

You can also set up an automatic payment.

Employer contributions

Eligibility criteria for employer contributions include being aged 18 years or older (16 years or older for NZDF personnel), not reaching the age of eligibility (currently 65) (NZDF personnel receive a contribution if still contributing beyond this age) and being an employee contributing via your salary or wages. Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax (ESCT) is deducted from employer contributions before these are provided to the scheme.

Government contribution

The Government will contribute 50 cents for every dollar you contribute to your KiwiSaver account, up to a maximum of $521.43 each year (eligibility criteria apply ). To receive $521.43, you need to contribute at least $1,042.86 to your KiwiSaver account during the year between 1 July and 30 June. Employee or voluntary contributions count towards receiving this Government contribution.

Generally, you should receive $521.43 from the Government if you’ve been a KiwiSaver member for the full year, earn over $35,000 per annum and contributed at least 3% to your KiwiSaver account or you have contributed more than $20 per week on average during the year.

Sign in to your online account where under “Account Activity” you can check how much you have contributed to ensure you reach the $1042.86 target and/or if you need to top up your KiwiSaver account before 30 June. An easy way to top up is to pay directly into your KiwiSaver account via your online banking by searching for ‘NZ Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme’ as a new payee.

The information contained on this page is intended for general guidance only and is not personalised to you. It does not take into account your particular financial situation or goals. Before making any investment decision, you should refer to the product disclosure statement for the relevant scheme or consult a financial adviser.