KiwiSaver Government Contribution

Check if you are on track before 30 June 2024 to receive the full amount.

Government Contribution is a contribution to your KiwiSaver account from the Government. For every dollar you contribute to your KiwiSaver account yourself, the Government contributes 50 cents.

The maximum you may be entitled to is $521.43 per annum. To receive the full amount, you need to have contributed at least $1,042.86 to your KiwiSaver account during KiwiSaver financial year (between 1 July and 30 June). Some criteria apply.

To see if you are on track to receive the full amount, log in to your New Zealand Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme account and go to account details to see how much you have contributed since 1 July 2023. If you need to top up your account to reach the $1042.86, please do this before 30 June.

You can also check your myIR account at to find the total contributions made via your salary/wages (if you are employed or self-employed and paying from your salary or wages).

If you became eligible part way through the year, you’ll receive a proportion of the maximum Government Contribution.

Government Contribution FAQs

Am I eligible for the KiwiSaver Government Contribution?

To be eligible for the Government Contribution, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older but less than the age at which you are eligible to access your KiwiSaver savings (i.e. the later of either reaching age 65 or after 5 years' KiwiSaver membership. If you joined KiwiSaver after 1 July 2019 the 5 years membership doesn’t apply.); and
  • Have your principal place of residence in New Zealand, with the exception of some government employees and certain people working overseas for charities for nominal remuneration.

Am I eligible if I am on a savings suspension (formerly contributions holiday)?

Yes - if you satisfy the eligibility criteria (see above) and make a contribution(s).

Am I eligible if I joined part-way through a year?

If you join KiwiSaver part-way through a year (1 July to 30 June), you'll receive a Government Contribution based on the number of days in the year you've been a member.

Am I eligible if I just turned 18?

When you turn 18, you'll receive a Government Contribution for the number of days in the year (1 July to 30 June) that you are 18. If you have been 18 for half a year, you’d qualify for half the potential Government Contribution.

Am I eligible if I am now over 65?

Yes and no depending on the date you joined KiwiSaver. On the day you will become eligible to withdraw your KiwiSaver savings you will stop being eligible for a Government Contribution. If you became eligible to withdraw your funds part way through the year then you will be eligible for a Government Contribution up to that point.

How can I top up my KiwiSaver account?

Online banking

The fastest and easiest way to top up is directly to your KiwiSaver account via your online banking. Simply search for “NZ Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme” in the organisation or person you wish to pay. Then follow your bank’s instructions.

Alternatively, you can set up an automatic payment to our bank account, details as follows:

        o   Account Number: 03-0175-0660318-000

        o   Swift code: WPACNZ2W (if applicable)

        o   Account name: NZ Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme

        o   Reference: Your membership number and IRD number

Please note we no longer accept cheques.

How long will it take to process my payment?

Generally, payments made via online banking are processed overnight, except for weekends and public holidays.

When do I get the Government Contribution in my account?

Payment of your Government Contribution will be made from Inland Revenue to Mercer (The manager of the New Zealand Defence Force KiwiSaver Scheme), who will credit this amount to your account. Mercer will be applying for Government Contribution on behalf of members in early July. Inland Revenue anticipates payment of Government Contribution will happen shortly after they receive the request from providers. The payment from Inland Revenue of the full amount may be staggered over a few months. We therefore encourage you to regularly visit check whether you've received your Government Contribution.

Is there a minimum top up amount?

You can top up as much or as little as you wish. Every dollar you contribute will go towards the Government Contribution.

What’s the maximum Government Contribution I can receive?

The maximum you may be entitled to is $521.43 per annum. To receive the full amount, you need to have contributed at least $1042.86 to your KiwiSaver account yourself. That's 50 cents from the Government for every $1 you contribute.

What if I am a KiwiSaver member, and a member of a complying superannuation fund?

Members who are eligible for the Government Contribution from two providers will have these credited to the provider who first submits member information to Inland Revenue. Mercer intends to provide Inland Revenue with the required information for all members in early July.

How often can I make top ups?

You can make as many top ups as you want per year.

Can I see Government Contribution via an online account?

Yes, you simply need to login at and click on the ‘My Account Activity’ and search / filter for your member contributions.

This information has been prepared by Mercer (N.Z.) Limited for general information only. The information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.

01 May 2024